Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

3 Startup-Jobs gefunden

3 Startup-Jobs gefunden

El éxito en el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles no solo se trata de crear un gran producto, sino también de saber cómo venderlo y llegar a la gente. Mantenerse al día con las últimas tendencias y tecnologías, así como tener una sólida presencia en las redes sociales, son elementos clave para alcanzar el éxito en este mercado dinámico y competitivo."

Generate new deals, leads

In this thrilling journey, I am actively searching for a visionary and dynamic Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to join as a co-founder. The CTO will play a crucial role in translating innovative ideas into a solid Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and providing technical support to secure funding for the official launch of the company. This will aim to be a full-time, hybrid role, located in Barcelona, with some flexibility for remote work. As CTO, you will be responsible for leading our technology strategy while also being a key member of the executive team, providing guidance on all aspects of our business growth and development. We will be working closely together to develop and implement the company's vision and roadmap, and you will have a broad range of responsibilities including architecture design, technology stack choices, development process, and team management. You will have a passion for building world-class platforms and systems, an ability to work proficiently with cutting-edge technology, and a track record of excellence leading and motivating engineering teams.
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