About us

Scaling and digitalization in a sustainable way - we know how to do it. That's why we support you and your company in your growth plans.

BT Ventures is all about scaling and digitalization - from sales to recruiting and more.
We support start- and scale-ups in their growth plans in the following areas:
➮ Implementation of new tools and processes
➮ Recruiting from A-Z: we step in as interim recruiter or support from a more strategic point of view
➮ We implement a clean and successful sales process, define KPIs and handle the implications for the team and the recruiting process
➮ Sparring partner for your questions as a founder, general support as role in the advisory board, board of directors or as an advisor

Our Offers

Strategy Check

We do a 360-degree review of your strategy and positioning, review your PMF and develop recommendations and a milestone plan.

Consulting & Coaching
Growth Coaching

Sales scaling is anything but easy - that's why we're here to help you in achieving your KPIs.

Sales & Distribution
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